VRV vs VRF HAVAC Cooling System Explained | WoF Digital | Faisal Shah

HAVAC Cooling system comes in two variants VRV and the VRF; it also comes as cool only system, heat and cool system and heat recovery system. We try to discuss all this in the tiny technical review video.

Content of the video:
00:00 Introduction of VRV & VRF system
00:33 Variable Refrigerant Volume HVAC System
00:44 Variable Refrigerant Flow HVAC System
01:14 HVAC AC vs Inverter Split AC
01:43 3 main Types of HVAC system
01:47 Cool only mode!
01:54 Cool & Heat mode!
02:02 Heat Recovery mode!
02:24 Which system you should buy?

Thanks for the view,
WoF digital team.
